Creative Islands Wellbeing

Image courtesy of An Lanntair

The Creative Islands Wellbeing project aims to establish new island networks of creative practice hubs and wellbeing innovation.  This joint island project will work across the three island archipelagos, strengthening the islands’ reputation as creative centres of excellence and increasing the sector’s economic and social impact.  Deal investment will be used to support the development and enhancement of creative infrastructure in Orkney, Shetland and the Outer Hebrides to provide the space required for creative practitioners in the islands.  Investment will also focus on research into the links between creativity and wellbeing, support cultural and creative practice development, and international collaboration and knowledge exchange.

The Creative Islands Wellbeing Programme also represents a partnership between the islands’ creative sector and NHS Orkney, NHS Shetland and the NHS Western Isles, with a proposal for an ‘Islands Centre for Creative Ageing’ offering an exemplar for researching, piloting and implementing new approaches to healthy ageing that will have resonance and application elsewhere in Scotland and the UK.

The Creative Islands Wellbeing project will be supported with joint investment of up to £6.1 million from the Scottish Government and UK Government (SG £3.5 million/UKG £2.6 million).

For more information, contact Murdo Mackay 
